National Supervision Links:
PESI Training
LPC National Supervision Links
National Clinical Supervisors
NASW National Standards
Clinical Supervision Foundation
Administrative code
Licensure Boards
LPC Supervision
BHealthy: SW/ MFT/LPC Supervision
Wellness Grove: Clinical Supervision
Resilient Wellness: LPC Supervision
Aryn Thompson: SW Supervision
IMFT Application
AMFT Approved Supervision
Ohio MFT Supervision
Ohio MFT Supervision
OH MFT Administrative code
SW Supervision Blog
Finding Supervision
What is Clinical Supervision
Getting Started in Clinical Supervision
Looking for Clinical Supervision?
BHealthy offers Clinical Supervision every Friday in a group setting from 9-11am. Cost is $25 per person. If you re interested in Supervision, please contact Virginia at (614) 352-6807.
Please be sure to pick up the Supervision Workbook on Amazon, come prepared to learn a lot and have some fun!
Sample Supervision Form
Social Work Training Supervision Log
Date: Time: Length of supervision:
Type of supervision: Individual or Group:
Practitioners Name:
License No:
Supervisors Name:
License No:
I. Goals of Supervision:
II. Content of Supervision:
A. Competencies:
B. Knowledge and practice behaviors specific to concentration:
III. Supervisor’s Note (feedback to practitioner):
Goals of Supervision:
A. To learn the skills necessary to be a competent clinical social worker
B. To obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the mental health levels of care
C. To gain a better understand of appropriate evidence based interventions for clients receiving outpatient mental health services
Content of Supervision:
A. Competencies:
• Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly.
• Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups
B. Knowledge and practice behaviors specific to Licensure/ Certification